Thursday, February 13, 2025

More Specific Opening Analysis

In my previous post, I explained the idea my partner and I agreed on for our portfolio project. In it, I stated that the project would take place in a dark forest with an unknown monster. This monster is the result of a scientist's experiment going wrong. I also stated that our project takes inspiration from the Jurassic Park and Godzilla movies. For this reason, I thought it would be a good idea to analyze the openings of both movies.

Godzilla (2014)

The scene opens by showing a mountainous forest showing the scale of the movie. This fits the film everything is on such a large scale that it is hard for people to comprehend. It then uses text overlay to tell the audience where and when this happens. We then see a man holding a locket which usually means that he lost someone dear to him. It is then shown that they are arriving at a mine where it is revealed that the floor has collapsed. When the scientists go to investigate they see large fossils and what seems to be an egg. Then we see a hatched egg along with a hole leading to the surface and a trail that leads to the ocean. We then see what happened in the past which gives us insight into what may be happening now. This includes the monster and the heavy damage it caused to cities and civilization.

Jurassic Park (1993)

The film opens by displaying the credits and the title with ominous music playing in the background. It then cuts to a dark forest giving clues to the setting. We also hear some heavy banging along with the rustling of trees hinting that there is a huge and dangerous monster. We then see a heavy-duty container further fortifying the idea that there is something dangerous and strong inside. When the man opens the container he gets attacked by whatever is inside. He gets lifted so easily further strengthening the idea that the monster is strong. In the final part of the scene, one of the characters says "Shoot her" which implies that they own the monster. This is because if it was a random monster they had caught in the forest they would refer to the monster as an "it" not a "her".

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