Monday, September 30, 2024

One Word Film Project

Overview: The project assigned was to convey a single word mood or feeling using visuals only without dialogue. This video must be between 60 and 90 seconds long.

The word assigned to my partner and me was "serious". We first started off by coming up with various scenes and got rid of the ideas that would not convey the correct message or were unrealistic to create. Once we chose a scene, we then created a brainstorming sheet to help keep track of our thoughts and plan out how the video would be filmed.

Below is the brainstorming sheet created by my partner and me:

We then created a storyboard to pre-visualize our project utilizing small sketches of the general shot.

Below is the storyboard sheet:

We then filmed all the necessary shots making sure to film multiple takes. I used iMovie to edit the video to make the video flow seamlessly. One thing that we could have done better is finding better places to film the video due to us have to make sure we didn't catch too many people in the scene along with the fact that there were to no desks we could use in the hallway we filmed in.

Below is the link to my final product:


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