Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sound Project

 Overview: In this project we were instructed to recreate the sounds that would be present in a scene spanning 1-2 minutes long. This project was to have no video and 4 of the sounds must be created using foley techniques.

During this project we learned what processes are involved in adding sounds to a film are. This includes the creating and editing of each sound and making sure they come in at the correct time to create a realist soundscape.

The approach we took to complete this project was to first brainstorm varying ideas of scene and remove the ones that wouldn't work for us. Once we decided on a scene we thought of the many different sounds that scene would contain. We then record the sounds we needed or found them in a sound database. Once all the sound was obtained, we used Premiere Pro to edit the sounds together.

Something that I felt we had done well was the editing of the sounds together. One thins that I felt that could have done better was the filming of the foley sounds. The sounds we created needed to be longer because when editing we had to copy the same sound over and over again and it sounded a little repetitive.

Below is the link to our completed sound project:


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