Friday, February 7, 2025


    Although the film A Quiet Place may not be in the psychological thriller genre, I thought it would be a great film opening to analyze. This is because the director stated that he intended for the film's visuals to portray enough meaning that the film could be completely understood with no sound at all. This is to fit with the theme of the characters not being allowed to make any sound in the narrative world. This would help me as with past projects I had struggled with creating shots that help create the meaning 

A Quite Place (2018)

    The scene opens with the parents with extremely concerned and scared looks on their faces as one of them takes batteries out of their son's toy. This immediately tells the audience that the toy attracts danger or is dangerous itself. Then the daughter gives the toy back trying to be nice. Next, we see the family walking on an obviously man-made trail of sand which implies that the sound needs to be dampened. We also see in the same scene that none of the characters are wearing any shoes further strengthening the fact of importance of making a little sound as possible. In the final scene of the opening, the kid's toy begins lighting up and making noises as the parents turn around with looks of absolute terror. The mother starts to sob as the father runs at full speed toward their son. We then see the son get killed by an unknown monster showing the audience the consequence of making a sound in this post-apocalyptic world. Each one of these scenes gives the audience more context to what is happening and at the end the audience has a complete understanding of the importance of it.

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