Friday, February 28, 2025

Costumes Plan/Initial Creation

We only need three different consumes, two scientist's white lab coasts, and a military general's uniform. These costumes can be bought at many different stores like, Target, Walmart, and Party City. 

I went on two different occasions to all three different stores but they didn't have them in stock or in our sizes. When I mentioned the annoying circumstances to my parents my mom gained a sudden inspiration. She remembered the days she used to sew face masks for our entire family during the covid days. She was addiment that she was capable of completing the task saying "It can't be that hard." She managed to create the two white lab coat outfits, but they were too small. Thankfully, she had enough fabric to create two more in the correct size. We knew the military general's uniform would be harder to sew but it proved to be even more tricky than we had anticipated. She tried multiple times but ultimately couldn't get it to work. When I gave it a try I also failed.

Since the sewing for the military general's uniform was a bust and the costume stores I went to said they weren't getting any new shipments for a while since costumes were not in season, we were left with one more option.! 

We managed to find a costume for about $28. Although it is a little more expensive than we would've liked, we don't have many other choices. And with that, we have acquired all the costumes we need for our production!

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Change in Plot/Script

Unfortunately, I was unable to obtain the military general's military fatigue outfit for the General Adil character. After trying to fin...