It's finally here!! Starting with this one, my blogs from now on will be about the portfolio project, the most important project of the year. Not to say the others aren't important. The projects before this have provided me with practice and information that will be a huge aid to this film's opening production. I have also been taught what to include and exclude in a film opening, specifically, the purpose of a film opening and how it is used to establish a platform for the rest of the film to build upon.
In past projects, I had the issue of choosing audio that did not fit the scene or reusing the same shot too many times. In this project, I will create a clear understanding of the genre and what is happening in the scene specifically to decide on what audio to use. While creating a clear understanding, I will also be generating a full story in mind which will aid in coming up with more varied scenes for the film opening.
To ensure that my project has the correct feeling and vibe to it that I want I would refer to the lesson notes taken on color and lighting. This is extremely important as a scene can portray a completely different message depending on whether high-key or low-key lighting is used. Even the difference between warm hues and cool hues plays a huge role in developing meaning within my film opening project.