The activity assigned was to use 15 shots to create a shot story between 1 to 2 inanimate objects. The objective was to use various types of camera angles and shots to portray a story without the use of audio or movement in any way.
The way I approached the development of my final product was creating many different possible ideas. Then I weighed the factors of each option such as if I had all the materials on hand or would have to buy any, how long it would take, and if I would be able to do it alone. Eventually, I had decided on a clash between 2 water bottles. After picking the story, I gathered all the supplies and started taking the shots in the area provided.
I thought that I had depicted the story in a good way that was relatively easy to understand. I also felt that I had done a good job of personifying the 2 objects that I had chose. I felt that I was able to convey the 2 different bottles emotions through the different shots I used along with the faces I had taped on. But, one of the big things that I felt I could've improved on is finding a better spot to shoot in. Also, I could have improved the background of the shots.